decodeStrutStyle static method

StrutStyle? decodeStrutStyle(
  1. dynamic value, {
  2. bool validate = true,

Decodes the given value into a StrutStyle. If the value is null then null will be returned. Otherwise, this expects a Map like value that in JSON would look like:

  "fontFamily": <String>,
  "fontFamilyFallback": <String[]>,
  "fontSize": <double>,
  "fontStyle": <FontStyle>,
  "fontWeight": <FontWeight>
  "forceStrutHeight": <bool>,
  "height": <double>,
  "leading": <double>,
  "package": <String>

See also:


static StrutStyle? decodeStrutStyle(
  dynamic value, {
  bool validate = true,
}) {
  StrutStyle? result;

  if (value is StrutStyle) {
    result = value;
  } else if (value != null) {
      schemaId: '$_baseSchemaUrl/strut_style',
      value: value,
      validate: validate,
    result = StrutStyle(
      fontFamily: value['fontFamily'],
      fontFamilyFallback: _decodeStringList(
        (value) => value,
      fontSize: JsonClass.parseDouble(value['fontSize']),
      fontStyle: decodeFontStyle(
        validate: false,
      fontWeight: decodeFontWeight(
        validate: false,
      forceStrutHeight: value['forceStrutHeight'] == null
          ? null
          : JsonClass.parseBool(value['forceStrutHeight']),
      height: JsonClass.parseDouble(value['height']),
      leading: JsonClass.parseDouble(value['leading']),
      package: value['package'],

  return result;