serializeToList method

  1. @override
String serializeToList(
  1. String expression,
  2. DartType resolvedGenericType,
  3. bool isExpressionNullable

convert the given expression for serialization. The expression is dart code that evaluates to your custom iterable type. you need to return an expression that evaluates to a Dart list

Note: you don't need to implement this if your type implements Iterable. you can throw an exception , this method will never be called in that case

example for kt_dart:

  String serializeToList(
      String expression, DartType type, bool isExpressionNullable) {
    final optionalQuestion = isExpressionNullable ? '?' : '';
    return expression + optionalQuestion + '.iter.toList()';


String serializeToList(String expression, DartType resolvedGenericType,
    bool isExpressionNullable) {
  ///not needed as ObservableList is Iterable, so it's handled by the default TypeHelper
  throw UnimplementedError();