deserializeFromIterableExpression method

  1. @override
String deserializeFromIterableExpression(
  1. String expression,
  2. DartType resolvedGenericType

convert the given expression for deserialization. the expression is Dart code that evaluates to an iterable, so you need to convert this iterable to your custom type @param expression the expression, that evaluates to an Iterable @param resolvedGenericType the generic type of the list that will be deserialized @return A String, which is a Dart expression that evaluates to your custom Iterable type

Example for BuiltList:

  String deserializeFromIterableExpression(
      String expression, DartType resolvedGenericType) {
    return '($expression).toBuiltList()';


String deserializeFromIterableExpression(
    String expression, DartType resolvedGenericType) {
  return 'ObservableSet<${resolvedGenericType.getDisplayString(withNullability: true)}>.of($expression)';