
This package provides a Json Serializable mechanism. You can add this behavior to any class you like.

Getting Started:

class User with JsonSerializable {
  final int id;
  final String name;
  final int age;

  User({required this.id, required this.name, required this.age});

At first you need to create a new class or use an existing, then add the mixin JsonSerializable like the code above. Make sure thar your constructor uses named parameters.

After your added the JsonSerializable to an Class you can will see the following new methods

  • toMap - use it if you want to convert your current instance to a Map structure
  • toJson - use it if you want to convert your current instance to a json encoded data
  • fromMap - use it if you want to convert a Map structure into a Class. Make sure that your constructor uses named parameters
  • fromJson - use it if you want to convert a json encoded data into a class. Make sure that your constructor uses named parameters

To import json_serializable:

import 'package:json_serializable/json_serializable.dart';

Full example:

import 'package:json_serializable/json_serializable.dart';

import 'models/user_model.dart';

void exampleWithMap() {
  var commonUser = User(id: 1, name: 'Dash', age: 10);


  var parsedUser = JsonSerializable.fromMap<User>(commonUser.toMap());


void exampleWithJson() {
  var commonUser = User(id: 1, name: 'Dash', age: 10);


  var parsedUser = JsonSerializable.fromJson<User>(commonUser.toJson());


void main() {
  try {
  } catch (e) {


  • Now you can use a optional parameter on toMap and fromMap methods, if your want to exclude some variable when convert a class to Map send a List<String>, and the same idea can be used when you want to create a instance of an class from Map data but not want some fields because them not used on your constructor.

To use excludes key whe using toMap method:

var user = User(id: 1, name: 'Dash', age: 10);

print(user.toMap(excludes: ['id']));

//{name: Dash, age: 10}

To use excludes key when trying parse Map data into a instance of an class:

var mapUser = {
  "id": 2,
  "name": "foo",
  "lastName": "bar",
  "age": 11,

var user = 
  JsonSerializable.fromMap<User>(mapUser, excludes:['lastName']);


//{id: 2, name: foo, age: 11}

