createAsync static method
- Object? schema, {
- SchemaVersion? schemaVersion,
- Uri? fetchedFromUri,
- RefProvider? refProvider,
- List<
CustomVocabulary> ? customVocabularies, - Map<
String, ValidationContext Function(ValidationContext context, String instanceData)> customFormats = const {},
Create a schema from a JSON data.
This method is asynchronous to support fetching of sub-JsonSchemas for items, properties, and sub-properties of the root schema.
If you want to create a JsonSchema synchronously, use create. Note that for create remote reference fetching is not supported.
The schema
can either be a decoded JSON object (Only Map or bool per the spec),
or alternatively, a String may be passed in and JSON decoding will be handled automatically.
static Future<JsonSchema> createAsync(
Object? schema, {
SchemaVersion? schemaVersion,
Uri? fetchedFromUri,
RefProvider? refProvider,
List<CustomVocabulary>? customVocabularies,
ValidationContext Function(
ValidationContext context, String instanceData)>
customFormats = const {},
}) {
// Default to assuming the schema is already a decoded, primitive dart object.
Object? data = schema;
/// JSON Schemas must be [bool]s or [Map]s, so if we encounter a [String], we're looking at encoded JSON.
if (schema is String) {
try {
data = json.decode(schema);
} catch (e) {
throw ArgumentError(
'String data provided to createAsync is not valid JSON.');
/// Set the Schema version before doing anything else, since almost everything depends on it.
final version = _getSchemaVersion(schemaVersion, data);
if (data is Map) {
return JsonSchema._fromRootMap(
fetchedFromUri: fetchedFromUri,
refProvider: refProvider,
customVocabularies: customVocabularies,
customFormats: customFormats,
// Boolean schemas are only supported in draft 6 and later.
} else if (data is bool && version >= SchemaVersion.draft6) {
return JsonSchema._fromRootBool(
fetchedFromUri: fetchedFromUri,
refProvider: refProvider,
customVocabularies: customVocabularies,
customFormats: customFormats,
throw ArgumentError(
'Data provided to createAsync is not valid: Data must be, or parse to a Map (or bool in draft6 or later). | $data');