JsonObjectLite<E>.fromJsonString constructor

  1. String jsonString, [
  2. JsonObjectLite? t,
  3. bool recursive = true

Eager constructor parses jsonString using JsonDecoder.

If t is given, will replace t's contents from the string and return t.

If recursive is true, replaces all maps recursively with JsonObjects. The default value is true. The object is set to immutable, the user must reset this to add more properties.


factory JsonObjectLite.fromJsonString(String jsonString,
    [JsonObjectLite<dynamic>? t, bool recursive = true]) {
  t ??= JsonObjectLite<dynamic>();
  t._objectData = decoder.convert(jsonString);
  if (recursive) {
  t.isImmutable = true;
  return t as JsonObjectLite<E>;