jsonMap<V> method

Map<String, V> jsonMap<V>(
  1. V fromJson(
    1. Map<String, dynamic>

Converts this string to Map<String, T> using the converter function fromJson


Map<String, V> jsonMap<V>(V Function(Map<String, dynamic>) fromJson) {
  final json = jsonDecode(this);
  if (json is Map) {
    final result = <String, V>{};
    for (final key in json.keys) {
      if (key is String) {
        final value = json[key];
        if (value is Map) {
          final v = value.json(fromJson);
          result[key] = v;
        } else {
          throw ArgumentError(
              'The decoded value type with key \'$key\ is not a \'Map\': ${key.runtimeType}');
      } else {
        throw ArgumentError(
            'The decoded key type is not a \'String\': ${key.runtimeType}');

    return result;

  throw ArgumentError(
      'The decoding result type is not a \'Map\': ${json.runtimeType}');