buildCustom method

  1. @override
_Lottie buildCustom({
  1. ChildWidgetBuilder? childBuilder,
  2. required BuildContext context,
  3. required JsonWidgetData data,
  4. Key? key,

Custom builder that subclasses must override and implement to return the actual Widget to be placed on the tree.


_Lottie buildCustom({
  ChildWidgetBuilder? childBuilder,
  required BuildContext context,
  required JsonWidgetData data,
  Key? key,
}) {
  final model = createModel(
    childBuilder: childBuilder,
    data: data,

  return _Lottie(
    addRepaintBounary: model.addRepaintBounary,
    alignment: model.alignment,
    animate: model.animate,
    asset: model.asset,
    height: model.height,
    lottie: model.lottie,
    options: model.options,
    package: model.package,
    repeat: model.repeat,
    reverse: model.reverse,
    url: model.url,
    width: model.width,