enrichTemplate function

String enrichTemplate({
  1. required String className,
  2. required List<ParameterElement> required,
  3. required List<ParameterElement> optional,
  4. required List<ParameterElement> named,
  5. required String? builderName,
  6. required ChildType childType,
  7. required bool hasKey,
  8. required bool hasOnRegister,

template for widget that has arguments other that child, children or key


String enrichTemplate({
  required String className,
  required List<ParameterElement> required,
  required List<ParameterElement> optional,
  required List<ParameterElement> named,
  required String? builderName,
  required ChildType childType,
  required bool hasKey,
  required bool hasOnRegister,
}) {
  final all = required.followedBy(optional).followedBy(named).toList();
  final positional = required.followedBy(optional).toList();

  final String argumentName = '_${className}Arguments';
  final String argumentFromJson =
      '_\$${argumentName.replaceFirst(RegExp('_*'), '')}FromJson(json)';
  final String _builderName = builderName ?? '${className}Builder';

  final String childVar = getChildString(childType);
  final String childParam = getChildParamString(childType);
  final String childCount = getChildCount(childType);

  return '''
// generate for widget with arguments
@JsonSerializable(createToJson: false)
${all.map((e) => converters[e.type.toString()]).where((e) => e != null).toSet().join('\n')}
class $argumentName {
  /*ALL final \${e.type} \${e.name};*/
  ${all.map((e) => 'final ${e.type} ${e.name};').join('\n')}

  const $argumentName(
    /*REQUIRED this.\${e.name}, */
    ${required.map((e) => 'this.${e.name},').join('\n')}
    /*OPTIONAL this.\${e.name}, */
    ${optional.isNotEmpty ? '[${optional.map((e) => 'this.${e.name},').join('\n')}]' : ''}
    /*NAMED this.\${e.name}, */
    ${named.isNotEmpty ? '{${named.map((e) => '${e.isRequiredNamed ? 'required' : ''} this.${e.name},').join('\n')}}' : ''}

  factory $argumentName.fromJson(Map<String,dynamic> json) =>

class $_builderName extends JsonWidgetBuilder {
  $_builderName(this.arguments) : super(numSupportedChildren: $childCount);

  static const type = '${ReCase(className).snakeCase}';
  final $argumentName arguments;

  static $_builderName? fromDynamic(
    dynamic map, {
    JsonWidgetRegistry? registry,
  }) {
    if (map == null) return null;

    return $_builderName($argumentName.fromJson(<String,dynamic>{...map}));

  Widget buildCustom({
    Widget Function(BuildContext context, Widget child)? childBuilder,
    required BuildContext context,
    required JsonWidgetData data,
    Key? key,
  }) {

    return $className(
      /* POSITIONAL arguments.\${e.name},*/
      ${positional.map((e) => 'arguments.${e.name},').join('\n')}
      /* NAMED \${e.name}: arguments.\${e.name},*/
      ${named.map((e) => '${e.name}: arguments.${e.name},').join('\n')}
      ${hasKey ? 'key: key,' : ''}

${registrationFnString(className: className, builderName: _builderName, hasOnRegister: hasOnRegister)}