json_dynamic_widget_annotation library
- AlignmentConverter
- AppBarThemeConverter
- ArgProcessor
- Arg processor allows to process JsonWidgetData arg into its real value. It also is responsible to calculate (or not) variable names that specified JsonWidgetData depends on. It produces ProcessedArg which contains all that infomations.
- ArgProcessors
- List of predifinied ArgProcessors.
- ArgsExpressionEvaluator
Modification added to
which integrates JsonWidgetRegistry variables and functions. - AutovalidateModeConverter
- AxisConverter
- BlendModeConverter
- BorderRadiusConverter
- BorderSideConverter
- BorderStyleConverter
- BottomAppBarThemeConverter
- BottomSheetThemeDataConverter
- BoxBorderConverter
- BoxConstraintsConverter
- BoxDecorationConverter
- BoxFitConverter
- BoxShadowConverter
- BoxShapeConverter
- BrightnessConverter
- ButtonBarLayoutBehaviorConverter
- ButtonBarThemeDataConverter
- ButtonStyleConverter
- ButtonTextThemeConverter
- ButtonThemeDataConverter
- CardThemeConverter
- CheckboxThemeDataConverter
- ChipThemeDataConverter
- ClipConverter
- ColorConverter
- ColorSchemeConverter
- CrossAxisAlignmentConverter
- CrossFadeStateConverter
- CupertinoTextThemeDataConverter
- CupertinoThemeDataConverter
- CurvesValues
- DataTableThemeDataConverter
- DecorationImageConverter
- DecorationPositionConverter
- DeferredJsonWidgetData
- A JsonWidgetData subclass that does not parse the JSON until the values are needed. This is used internally by the library for when widgets are requested through a variable reference because the variable often won't exist until after the first pass of the widget tree processing is completed.
- DialogThemeConverter
- DividerThemeDataConverter
- DragStartBehaviorConverter
- EdgeInsetsGeometryConverter
- ElevatedButtonThemeDataConverter
- ExpressionArgProcessor
- Processor that integrates https://pub.dev/packages/expressions library syntax with JsonWidgetRegistry variables and functions. All expressions should be placed in ${.*} syntax.
- FilterQualityConverter
- FlexFitConverter
- FloatingActionButtonAnimatorConverter
- FloatingActionButtonLocationConverter
- FloatingActionButtonThemeDataConverter
- FloatingLabelBehaviorConverter
- FontFeatureConverter
- FontStyleConverter
- FontWeightConverter
- GradientConverter
- GradientTransformConverter
- HitTestBehaviorConverter
- IconDataConverter
- IconThemeDataConverter
- ImageProviderConverter
- ImageRepeatConverter
- InputBorderConverter
- InputDecorationDecoder
- InputDecorationThemeConverter
- InputError
- InteractiveInkFeatureFactoryConverter
- IterableArgProcessor
Processor for iterable
. The processor is processing every value of thearg
using JsonWidgetRegistry processsors and it is aggregating all listen variable names. In case of passinglistenVariables
directly then the aggregation step is skipped. -
T, S> - Implement this class to provide custom converters for a specific Type.
- JsonDynamicWidgetAnnotation
- JsonEnum
Allows configuration of how
elements are treated as JSON. - JsonKey
- An annotation used to specify how a field is serialized.
- JsonLiteral
- An annotation used to generate a private field containing the contents of a JSON file.
- JsonSerializable
- An annotation used to specify a class to generate code for.
- JsonSizedBoxBuilder
- Builder that can build an SizedBox widget. See the fromDynamic for the format.
- JsonValue
- An annotation used to specify how a enum value is serialized.
- JsonWidgetBuilder
- Builder that builds dynamic widgets from JSON or other Map-like structures. Applications can register their own types and builders through the JsonWidgetRegistry.
- JsonWidgetBuilderContainer
Container for a JsonWidgetBuilder builder as well as an associated schema
id. The schema id will be used to validate the JSON args against the
schema if it is not
. If it isnull
, no schema validation will be performed against the JSON for this particular builder. - JsonWidgetData
- JsonWidgetInternalBuilders
- JsonWidgetInternalBuildersBuilder
- Used to create the selected subset of all internal builders.
- JsonWidgetInternalFunctions
- JsonWidgetInternalFunctionsBuilder
- Used to create the selected subset of all internal functions.
- JsonWidgetRegistry
- Registry for both the library provided as well as custom form builders that the application may provide.
- JsonWidgetType
- LocaleConverter
- MainAxisAlignmentConverter
- MainAxisSizeConverter
- MapArgProcessor
Processor for map
. It is entry point for JsonWidgetData args. If thearg
is detected to be JsonWidgetData then processing of such anarg
is skipped. - MaterialBannerThemeDataConverter
- MaterialColorConverter
- MaterialStatePropertyBorderSideConverter
- MaterialStatePropertyColorConverter
- MaterialStatePropertyDoubleConverter
- MaterialStatePropertyEdgeInsetsGeometryConverter
- MaterialStatePropertyMouseCursorConverter
- MaterialStatePropertyOutlinedBorderConverter
- MaterialStatePropertySizeConverter
- MaterialStatePropertyTextStyleConverter
- MaterialTapTargetSizeConverter
- MaterialTypeConverter
- MaxLengthEnforcementConverter
- MouseCursorConverter
- NamedFunctionArg
- NotchedShapeConverter
- NullableAlignmentConverter
- NullableAppBarThemeConverter
- NullableAutovalidateModeConverter
- NullableAxisConverter
- NullableBlendModeConverter
- NullableBorderRadiusConverter
- NullableBorderSideConverter
- NullableBorderStyleConverter
- NullableBottomAppBarThemeConverter
- NullableBottomSheetThemeDataConverter
- NullableBoxBorderConverter
- NullableBoxConstraintsConverter
- NullableBoxDecorationConverter
- NullableBoxFitConverter
- NullableBoxShadowConverter
- NullableBoxShapeConverter
- NullableBrightnessConverter
- NullableButtonBarLayoutBehaviorConverter
- NullableButtonBarThemeDataConverter
- NullableButtonStyleConverter
- NullableButtonTextThemeConverter
- NullableButtonThemeDataConverter
- NullableCardThemeConverter
- NullableCheckboxThemeDataConverter
- NullableChipThemeDataConverter
- NullableClipConverter
- NullableColorConverter
- NullableColorSchemeConverter
- NullableCrossAxisAlignmentConverter
- NullableCrossFadeStateConverter
- NullableCupertinoTextThemeDataConverter
- NullableCupertinoThemeDataConverter
- NullableDataTableThemeDataConverter
- NullableDecorationImageConverter
- NullableDecorationPositionConverter
- NullableDialogThemeConverter
- NullableDividerThemeDataConverter
- NullableDragStartBehaviorConverter
- NullableEdgeInsetsGeometryConverter
- NullableElevatedButtonThemeDataConverter
- NullableFilterQualityConverter
- NullableFlexFitConverter
- NullableFloatingActionButtonAnimatorConverter
- NullableFloatingActionButtonLocationConverter
- NullableFloatingActionButtonThemeDataConverter
- NullableFloatingLabelBehaviorConverter
- NullableFontFeatureConverter
- NullableFontStyleConverter
- NullableFontWeightConverter
- NullableGradientConverter
- NullableGradientTransformConverter
- NullableHitTestBehaviorConverter
- NullableIconDataConverter
- NullableIconThemeDataConverter
- NullableImageProviderConverter
- NullableImageRepeatConverter
- NullableInputBorderConverter
- NullableInputDecorationThemeConverter
- NullableInteractiveInkFeatureFactoryConverter
- NullableLocaleConverter
- NullableMainAxisAlignmentConverter
- NullableMainAxisSizeConverter
- NullableMaterialBannerThemeDataConverter
- NullableMaterialColorConverter
- NullableMaterialStatePropertyBorderSideConverter
- NullableMaterialStatePropertyColorConverter
- NullableMaterialStatePropertyDoubleConverter
- NullableMaterialStatePropertyEdgeInsetsGeometryConverter
- NullableMaterialStatePropertyMouseCursorConverter
- NullableMaterialStatePropertyOutlinedBorderConverter
- NullableMaterialStatePropertySizeConverter
- NullableMaterialStatePropertyTextStyleConverter
- NullableMaterialTapTargetSizeConverter
- NullableMaterialTypeConverter
- NullableMaxLengthEnforcementConverter
- NullableMouseCursorConverter
- NullableNotchedShapeConverter
- NullableOffsetConverter
- NullableOrdinalSortKeyConverter
- NullableOutlinedBorderConverter
- NullableOutlinedButtonThemeDataConverter
- NullablePageTransitionsBuilderConverter
- NullablePageTransitionsThemeConverter
- NullablePopupMenuThemeDataConverter
- NullableRadioThemeDataConverter
- NullableRadiusConverter
- NullableRangeSliderThumbShapeConverter
- NullableRangeSliderTickMarkShapeConverter
- NullableRangeSliderTrackShapeConverter
- NullableRangeSliderValueIndicatorShapeConverter
- NullableRectConverter
- NullableScrollbarThemeDataConverter
- NullableScrollPhysicsConverter
- NullableScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehaviorConverter
- NullableSemanticsTagConverter
- NullableShadowConverter
- NullableShapeBorderConverter
- NullableShowValueIndicatorConverter
- NullableSizeConverter
- NullableSliderComponentShapeConverter
- NullableSliderThemeDataConverter
- NullableSliderTickMarkShapeConverter
- NullableSliderTrackShapeConverter
- NullableSmartDashesTypeConverter
- NullableSmartQuotesTypeConverter
- NullableSnackBarBehaviorConverter
- NullableSnackBarThemeDataConverter
- NullableStackFitConverter
- NullableStrutStyleConverter
- NullableSwitchThemeDataConverter
- NullableSystemUiOverlayStyleConverter
- NullableTabBarIndicatorSizeConverter
- NullableTabBarThemeConverter
- NullableTargetPlatformConverter
- NullableTextAlignConverter
- NullableTextAlignVerticalConverter
- NullableTextBaselineConverter
- NullableTextButtonThemeDataConverter
- NullableTextCapitalizationConverter
- NullableTextDecorationConverter
- NullableTextDecorationStyleConverter
- NullableTextDirectionConverter
- NullableTextHeightBehaviorConverter
- NullableTextInputActionConverter
- NullableTextInputTypeConverter
- NullableTextOverflowConverter
- NullableTextSelectionThemeDataConverter
- NullableTextStyleConverter
- NullableTextThemeConverter
- NullableTextWidthBasisConverter
- NullableThemeDataConverter
- NullableTileModeConverter
- NullableTimePickerThemeDataConverter
- NullableToggleButtonsThemeDataConverter
- NullableToolbarOptionsConverter
- NullableTooltipThemeDataConverter
- NullableTypographyConverter
- NullableVerticalDirectionConverter
- NullableVisualDensityConverter
- OffsetConverter
- OrdinalSortKeyConverter
- OutlinedBorderConverter
- OutlinedButtonThemeDataConverter
- PageTransitionsBuilderConverter
- PageTransitionsThemeConverter
- PopupMenuThemeDataConverter
- ProcessedArg
- RadioThemeDataConverter
- RadiusConverter
- RangeSliderThumbShapeConverter
- RangeSliderTickMarkShapeConverter
- RangeSliderTrackShapeConverter
- RangeSliderValueIndicatorShapeConverter
- RawArgProcessor
Processor which is accepting any
and not processarg
value at all. That processor should be used as the last processor in the pipeline. - RectConverter
- ScrollbarThemeDataConverter
- ScrollPhysicsConverter
- ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehaviorConverter
- SemanticsTagConverter
- ShadowConverter
- ShapeBorderConverter
- ShowValueIndicatorConverter
- SizeConverter
- SliderComponentShapeConverter
- SliderThemeDataConverter
- SliderTickMarkShapeConverter
- SliderTrackShapeConverter
- SliverGridDelegateDecoder
- SmartDashesTypeConverter
- SmartQuotesTypeConverter
- SnackBarBehaviorConverter
- SnackBarThemeDataConverter
- StackFitConverter
- StrutStyleConverter
- SwitchThemeDataConverter
- SystemUiOverlayStyleConverter
- TabBarIndicatorSizeConverter
- TabBarThemeConverter
- TargetPlatformConverter
- TextAlignConverter
- TextAlignVerticalConverter
- TextBaselineConverter
- TextButtonThemeDataConverter
- TextCapitalizationConverter
- TextDecorationConverter
- TextDecorationStyleConverter
- TextDirectionConverter
- TextHeightBehaviorConverter
- TextInputActionConverter
- TextInputTypeConverter
- TextOverflowConverter
- TextSelectionThemeDataConverter
- TextStyleConverter
- TextThemeConverter
- TextWidthBasisConverter
- ThemeDataConverter
- TileModeConverter
- TimePickerThemeDataConverter
- ToggleButtonsThemeDataConverter
- ToolbarOptionsConverter
- TooltipThemeDataConverter
- TypographyConverter
- VerticalDirectionConverter
- VisualDensityConverter
- WidgetValueChanged
- FieldRename
- Values for the automatic field renaming behavior for JsonSerializable.
T> (Map map, String key, T castFunc(dynamic), {Object? readValue(Map, String)?}) → T -
Helper function used in generated code when
. -
T> (String className, Map map, T constructor(S < S>(String, S (Object?), {Object? readValue(Map, String)?}) ), {Map<String, String> fieldKeyMap = const {}}) → T -
Helper function used in generated code when
. -
T> (String className, Map map, T constructor(), {Map< String, String> ? fieldKeyMap}) → T -
Helper function used in generated code when
. -
Map map, {List< String> ? allowedKeys, List<String> ? requiredKeys, List<String> ? disallowNullValues}) → void -
Helper function used in generated
code whenJsonSerializable.disallowUnrecognizedKeys
is true for an annotated type orJsonKey.required
for any annotated fields. -
K extends Enum, V> (Map< K, V> enumValues, Object? source, {K? unknownValue}) → K -
Returns the key associated with value
, if one exists. -
K extends Enum, V> (Map< K, V> enumValues, Object? source, {Enum? unknownValue}) → K? -
Returns the key associated with value
, if one exists.
- DeferredBuilder = JsonWidgetBuilder Function(JsonWidgetBuilderBuilder builder)
- JsonWidgetBuilderBuilder = JsonWidgetBuilder? Function(dynamic map, {JsonWidgetRegistry? registry})
- JsonWidgetFunction = dynamic Function({required List? args, required JsonWidgetRegistry registry})
Exceptions / Errors
- BadKeyException
- A base class for exceptions thrown when decoding JSON.
- CheckedFromJsonException
Exception thrown if there is a runtime exception in
code generated whenJsonSerializableGenerator.checked
- DisallowedNullValueException
Exception thrown if there are keys with disallowed
values in a JSON map that was provided during deserialization. - HandledJsonWidgetException
- MissingRequiredKeysException
- Exception thrown if there are missing required keys in a JSON map that was provided during deserialization.
- UnrecognizedKeysException
- Exception thrown if there are unrecognized keys in a JSON map that was provided during deserialization.