fromDynamic static method

JsonWidgetData fromDynamic(
  1. dynamic map, {
  2. JsonWidgetRegistry? registry,

Decodes a JSON object into a dynamic widget. The structure is the same for all dynamic widgets with the exception of the args value. The args depends on the specific type.

In the given JSON object, only the child or the children can be passed in; not both. From an implementation perspective, there is no difference between passing in a child or a children with a single element, this will treat both of those identically.

{ "type":


static JsonWidgetData fromDynamic(
  dynamic map, {
  JsonWidgetRegistry? registry,
}) {
  final result = maybeFromDynamic(map, registry: registry);
  if (result == null) {
    throw Exception(
      '[JsonWidgetData]: requested to parse from dynamic, but the input is null.',

  return result;