fromDynamic static method

JsonSetWidgetBuilder? fromDynamic(
  1. dynamic map, {
  2. JsonWidgetRegistry? registry,

Builds the builder from a Map-like dynamic structure. This expects the JSON format to be of the following structure:

  "<key>": <JsonWidgetData>

Where the key is any arbitrary String. That key will be used as the key on JsonWidgetRegistry.setValue and the JsonWidgetData value will be used as the value.

See also:


static JsonSetWidgetBuilder? fromDynamic(
  dynamic map, {
  JsonWidgetRegistry? registry,
}) {
  JsonSetWidgetBuilder? result;
  var innerRegistry = registry ?? JsonWidgetRegistry.instance;

  if (map != null) {
    var widgets = <String, JsonWidgetData?>{};
      (key, value) => widgets[key] = JsonWidgetData.fromDynamic(value),

    result = JsonSetWidgetBuilder(widgets: widgets);
    registry ??= JsonWidgetRegistry.instance;
        ?.forEach((key, value) => innerRegistry.setValue(key, value));

  return result;