fromDynamic static method

JsonSetValueBuilder? fromDynamic(
  1. dynamic map, {
  2. JsonWidgetRegistry? registry,

Builds the builder from a Map-like dynamic structure. This expects the JSON format to be of the following structure:

  "<key>": <dynamic>

Where the key is any arbitrary String. That key will be used as the key on JsonWidgetRegistry.setValue and the dynamic value will be used as the value.


static JsonSetValueBuilder? fromDynamic(
  dynamic map, {
  JsonWidgetRegistry? registry,
}) {
  JsonSetValueBuilder? result;

  if (map != null) {
    result = JsonSetValueBuilder(values: map);
    registry ??= JsonWidgetRegistry.instance;
    // result.values?.forEach((key, value) => registry.setValue(key, value));

  return result;