maybeParseValue<T> static method

T? maybeParseValue<T>(
  1. dynamic input

Attempts to parse the given input into the type T. This currently supports the following types:

  • bool
  • String
  • double
  • int
  • num
  • DateTime
  • Duration

Any other type will result in an exception.


static T? maybeParseValue<T>(dynamic input) {
  dynamic result;

  if (T == bool) {
    result = maybeParseBool(input);
  } else if (T == String) {
    result = input?.toString();
  } else if (T == double) {
    result = maybeParseDouble(input);
  } else if (T == int) {
    result = maybeParseInt(input);
  } else if (T == num) {
    result = maybeParseDouble(input);
  } else if (T == DateTime) {
    result = maybeParseDateTime(input);
  } else if (T == Duration) {
    result = maybeParseDurationFromMillis(input);
  } else {
    throw Exception('Unknown value type: [${T.runtimeType}]');

  return result as T?;