fetchToOne method

Future<RelationshipFetched<ToOne>> fetchToOne(
  1. String type,
  2. String id,
  3. String relationship, {
  4. Map<String, List<String>> headers = const {},
  5. Iterable<QueryEncodable> query = const [],

Fetches the to-one relationship identified by type, id, relationship.

Optional arguments:

  • headers - any extra HTTP headers
  • query - a collection of parameters to be included in the URI query


Future<RelationshipFetched<ToOne>> fetchToOne(
  String type,
  String id,
  String relationship, {
  Map<String, List<String>> headers = const {},
  Iterable<QueryEncodable> query = const [],
}) async {
  final response = await send(
      _baseUri.relationship(type, id, relationship),
  return RelationshipFetched.one(
      response.httpResponse, response.document ?? (throw FormatException()));