tryCatchMiddleware function

Handler tryCatchMiddleware(
  1. Handler handler, {
  2. Future<Response> onError(
    1. dynamic,
    2. StackTrace

An Handler wrapper which calls the wrapped handler and does the following:

  • when an instance of Response is returned or thrown by the wrapped handler, the response is returned
  • when another error is thrown by the wrapped handler and the onError callback is set, the error will be converted to a response
  • otherwise the error will be rethrown.


Handler tryCatchMiddleware(Handler handler,
        {Future<Response> Function(dynamic, StackTrace)? onError}) =>
    (Request request) async {
      try {
        return await handler(request);
      } on Response catch (response) {
        return response;
      } catch (error, stacktrace) {
        return await onError?.call(error, stacktrace) ?? (throw error);