Implementation of jsend specification in dart. Simply putting, jsend is a specification that tells how JSON responses coming from server should be structured.
import 'package:jsend/jsend.dart';
// ... some code
var someHTTPResponse = await http.get('https://api-that-gives-json-response');
// obtained HTTP Response can be parsed to jsend Response as
var jsendResp = jsendResponse(someHTTPResponse);
// Even Easier Now. jsendResponse object can be created from APIRequest object as:
APIRequest.base = '';
path: '/users'
)) ;
Getting status, message and data
Handling validation errors in fields
By jsend standard, we send validation errors in data field. This package contains some helper methods to read errors in fields.
//checking if errors exist in a field
// executed if errors exist in email field
//getting errors in a field
var errorInEmail = jsendResp.errorIn('email') ;
// returns null in case no errors exist.
Status Handlers
Status handling can be done in declarative programming style. Since we are lazy and dont like this type of code:
if(jsendResp.status == 'success'){
// do something
}else if(jsendResp.status == 'error'){
// do another thing
}else {
// do some other thing
This package helps us by assigning the status handlers in constructor of jsendResponse as:
path: '/users'
onSuccess: (jsendResponse resp){
print('Fetched Successfully') ;
print( ;
onError: (_){
print("failed") ;
) ;
RemoteResource class might surprise you
See how easily I perform CRUD operations on data on server.
//setting API Base first
APIRequset.base = 'http://your-server/api/' ;
//Creating RemoteResource instance that fetches from /products
var productsFetcher = RemoteResource('products') ;
Showing all products
//mapped to GET /products
print(await productsFetcher.getAll()) ;
Getting single product
//mapped to GET /prdoucts/:product_id
print(await productsFetcher.get("prdouct_id")) ;
Creating new product
//mapped to POST /products
await productsFetcher.createItem({name: 'Apple', price: 34}) ;
Worried about handling validation Errors from server ? You can easily handle them as:
await productsFetcher.createItem({...}, statusHandlers: [JsendStatusHandler(
forError: (jsendResponse resp){...},
forSuccess: (jsendResponse resp){...},
forFail: (jsendResponse resp){
print('Response contains error in name: ' + resp.errorIn('name')) ;
statusHandlers can be applied to all methods of RemoteResource
Updating Product
// mapped to PUT /products/:product_id
await productsFetcher.updateItem({_id: 'id', ...});
Deleting Product
//mapped to DELETE /products/:product_id
await productsFetcher.deleteItem({_id: 'id',...}, statusHandlers: [JsendStatusHandler(
forSuccess: (_){
print("Deleted Successfully.") ;