_windows/_jFFi library


Struct from Win32 API that contains parameters for the GetOpenFileNameW function and receives information about the file(s) selected by the user.


maximumPathLength → const int
In the Windows API, the maximum length for a path is MAX_PATH, which is defined as 260 characters.
ofnAllowMultiSelect → const int
The File Name list box allows multiple selections.
ofnExplorer → const int
Indicates that any customizations made to the Open or Save As dialog box use the Explorer-style customization methods.
ofnFileMustExist → const int
The user can type only names of existing files in the File Name entry field.
ofnHideReadOnly → const int
Hides the Read Only check box.


GetOpenFileNameW = Int8 Function(Pointer<NativeType> unnamedParam1)
Function from Win32 API to create an Open dialog box that lets the user specify the drive, directory, and the name of a file or set of files to be opened.
GetOpenFileNameWDart = int Function(Pointer<NativeType> unnamedParam1)
Dart equivalent of GetOpenFileNameW.
GetSaveFileNameW = Int8 Function(Pointer<NativeType> unnamedParam1)
Function from Win32 API to create a save dialog box that lets the user specify the drive, directory, and name of a file to save. Reference: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/commdlg/nf-commdlg-getsavefilenamew
GetSaveFileNameWDart = int Function(Pointer<NativeType> unnamedParam1)
Dart equivalent of GetSaveFileNameW