bindings/cssom_view_1 library


Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface represents the caret position, an indicator for the text insertion point. You can get a using the Document.caretPositionFromPoint() method.
A object stores information on a media query applied to a document, with support for both immediate and event-driven matching against the state of the document. You can create a by calling matchMedia() on the window object. The resulting object handles sending notifications to listeners when the media query state changes (i.e. when the media query test starts or stops evaluating to true). This is very useful for adaptive design, since this makes it possible to observe a document to detect when its media queries change, instead of polling the values periodically, and allows you to programmatically make changes to a document based on media query status.
The object stores information on the changes that have happened to a MediaQueryList object — instances are available as the event object on a function referenced by a MediaQueryList.onchange property or MediaQueryList.addListener() call.
The interface represents a screen, usually the one on which the current window is being rendered, and is obtained using window.screen. Note that browsers determine which screen to report as current by detecting which screen has the center of the browser window.
The interface of the Visual Viewport API represents the visual viewport for a given window. For a page containing iframes, each iframe, as well as the containing page, will have a unique window object. Each window on a page will have a unique representing the properties associated with that window. You can get a window's visual viewport using Window.visualViewport.