fromAvdAsset static method

Future<ScalableImage> fromAvdAsset(
  1. AssetBundle b,
  2. String key, {
  3. bool compact = false,
  4. bool bigFloats = false,
  5. @Deprecated("[warn] has been superseded by [warnF].") bool warn = true,
  6. void warnF(
    1. String

Load a string asset containing an Android Vector Drawable in XML format from b and parse it into a scalable image.

If compact is true, the internal representation will occupy significantly less memory, at the expense of rendering time. See toDag for a discussion of the two representations.

If bigFloats is true, the compact representation will use 8 byte double-precision float values, rather than 4 byte single-precision values.

If warnF is non-null, it will be called if the AVD asset contains unrecognized tags and/or tag attributes. If it is null, the default behavior is to print warnings.


static Future<ScalableImage> fromAvdAsset(
  AssetBundle b,
  String key, {
  bool compact = false,
  bool bigFloats = false,
  @Deprecated("[warn] has been superseded by [warnF].") bool warn = true,
  void Function(String)? warnF,
}) async {
  final warnArg = warnF ?? (warn ? defaultWarn : nullWarn);
  final src = await b.loadString(key, cache: false);
  return fromAvdString(src,
      compact: compact, bigFloats: bigFloats, warnF: warnArg);