getPayload method

Future<JosePayload> getPayload(
  1. JsonWebKeyStore keyStore, {
  2. List<String>? allowedAlgorithms,

Returns a future that resolves to the payload if the content of this object can be decrypted and verified. Otherwise the future fails with a JoseException

This method will fail if none of the signatures or recipients use one of the algorithms listed in allowedAlgorithms for signing the payload or wrapping the key. By default, all algorithms are allowed except none.


Future<JosePayload> getPayload(
  JsonWebKeyStore keyStore, {
  List<String>? allowedAlgorithms,
}) async {
  for (var r in recipients) {
    var header = _headerFor(r);

    if (allowedAlgorithms != null &&
        !allowedAlgorithms.contains(header.algorithm)) {

    if (allowedAlgorithms == null && header.algorithm == 'none') {

    await for (var key in keyStore.findJsonWebKeys(
      this is JsonWebSignature
          ? 'verify'
          : header.algorithm == 'dir'
              ? 'decrypt'
              : 'unwrapKey',
    )) {
      try {
        var payload = getPayloadFor(key, header, r);

        if (payload != null) {
          return JosePayload(payload, _protectedHeaderFor(r));
      } catch (e) {
        // ignore

  throw JoseException('Could not decrypt/verify payload');