buildSummarizerIfNotExists function

Future<void> buildSummarizerIfNotExists({
  1. bool force = false,


Future<void> buildSummarizerIfNotExists({bool force = false}) async {
  // TODO(#43): This function cannot be invoked concurrently because 2 processes
  // will start building summarizer at once. Introduce a locking mechnanism so
  // that when one process is building summarizer JAR, other process waits using
  // exponential backoff.
  final jarExists = await File(jarFile).exists();
  final isJarStale = jarExists &&
      await isPackageModifiedAfter(
          'jnigen', await File(jarFile).lastModified(), 'java/');
  if (isJarStale) {'Rebuilding ApiSummarizer component since sources '
        'have changed. This might take some time.');
  if (!jarExists) {'Building ApiSummarizer component. '
        'This might take some time. '
        'The build will be cached for subsequent runs.');
  if (!jarExists || isJarStale || force) {
    await buildApiSummarizer();
  } else {'ApiSummarizer.jar exists. Skipping build..');