spawnIfNotExists static method

bool spawnIfNotExists({
  1. String? dylibDir,
  2. List<String> jvmOptions = const [],
  3. List<String> classPath = const [],
  4. bool ignoreUnrecognized = false,
  5. int jniVersion = JniVersions.JNI_VERSION_1_6,

Same as spawn but if a JVM exists, returns silently instead of throwing JvmExistsError.

If the options are different than that of existing VM, the existing VM's options will remain in effect.


static bool spawnIfNotExists({
  String? dylibDir,
  List<String> jvmOptions = const [],
  List<String> classPath = const [],
  bool ignoreUnrecognized = false,
  int jniVersion = JniVersions.JNI_VERSION_1_6,
}) =>
    using((arena) {
      _dylibDir = dylibDir;
      final jvmArgs = _createVMArgs(
        options: jvmOptions,
        classPath: classPath,
        version: jniVersion,
        dylibPath: dylibDir,
        ignoreUnrecognized: ignoreUnrecognized,
        allocator: arena,
      final status = _bindings.SpawnJvm(jvmArgs);
      if (status == JniErrorCode.JNI_OK) {
        return true;
      } else if (status == DART_JNI_SINGLETON_EXISTS) {
        return false;
      } else {
        throw JniError.of(status);