search method

List<JMDictEntry>? search({
  1. required String keyword,
  2. int? limit,
  3. int? offset,

Search the local database for JMDictEntrys that contain keyword in kana reading, romaji reading, or the glossaries, and also include Kanji search

A clear limit may be provided to limit search results. For paging purpose, offset may be provided to get results after skipping a certain amount of entries. For a better performance, it is recommended to provide both limit and offset.

Returns either null if the local Store is not initialized, or a List of JMDictEntry.


List<JMDictEntry>? search({
  required String keyword,
  int? limit,
  int? offset,
}) {
  if (!_checkInit()) {
    return null;
    keyword: keyword,
    store: _store,
    limit: limit,
    offset: offset,