JVSession class Session

Located at Jivo.session


clear() Future<void>
Closes current connection, clears the local database, and unsubscribes device from Push Notifications.
setContactInfo({String? name, String? email, String? phone, String? brief}) Future<void>
Assigns contact info to user, to reach him easier in future.
setCustomData(List<JVSessionCustomDataField> fields) Future<void>
Assigns custom data to user, if needed for your business.
setPreferredServer(JVSessionServer server) Future<void>
Specifies the preferred server for SDK to connect to Jivo.
setup({required String channelId, required String userToken}) Future<void>
Sets up a connection between SDK and Jivo, by either creating a new session or resuming existing one.
startWatchingUnreadCounter(Function watcher) → void
Registers the callback that gets called when counter of unread messages gets changed