JVDisplay class Display

Located at Jivo.display


isOnscreen Future<bool>
Determines whether SDK is currently in UI hierarchy.
no setter


defineColor(Color color, {required JVDisplayElement element}) Future<void>
Customizes colors for some elements.
defineImage(String name, {required JVDisplayElement element}) Future<void>
Customizes icons for some elements.
defineText(String text, {required JVDisplayElement element}) Future<void>
Customizes captions and texts for some elements.
executeWhenAsksToAppear(Function executor) → void
Registers the callback that gets called when SDK asks to become visible
executeWhenDidDisappear(Function executor) → void
Registers the callback that gets called when SDK is going to get hidden
executeWhenWillAppear(Function executor) → void
Registers the callback that gets called when SDK is going to get shown
present() Future<void>
Displays SDK modally on screen.
setExtraItems({required JVDisplayMenu menu, required List<String> captions, required Function callback}) Future<void>
Sets your own extra items to display within menu.
setLocale(Locale locale) Future<void>
Sets the custom locale for use instead of system one.