Jira Teko Flutter
This library can be used to push testcase from local to project in jira teko.
After use this library, you must install library from pub dev: junitreport
dart pub global activate junitreport
Create file .env
in project
Create file jira.dart
in folder test
of project.
In file jira.dart
you setup your information project jira and your account jira teko.
import 'package:jira_teko_flutter/jira_teko_flutter.dart'
show JiraTekoProjectInfo, JiraTekoFlutter, JiraTekoRunnerOption, TestCaseStatus;
import 'package:jira_teko_flutter/src/helpers/read_file_env.dart' as read_env;
void main() async {
/// Use push test to jira
/// E.g:you are testing issue P365MOB-434 and want to push to jira.
/// * add 'P365MOB-434' to issue list: issues = ['P365MOB-434']
/// * and run file: dart test/jira.dart
/// * all result test cases will write to file export_result_test.json
/// ** Attention: When you commit code, please take issues empty.
/// Use file .env setup: username, password, issues
final Map<String, String> dataEnv = await read_env.readFileEnv('.env');
final List<String> issues = (dataEnv["JIRA_ISSUES"] ?? "").split(",");
scheme: 'https',
host: 'jira.teko.vn',
jiraUserName: dataEnv['JIRA_USER_NAME'] ?? '',
/// your jira username here
/// ** Attention: When you commit code, please take jiraPassword empty.
jiraPassword: dataEnv['JIRA_PASSWORD'] ?? '',
/// your jira password here
/// ** Attention: When you commit code, please take projectKey empty.
projectKey: '', // your project key
projectId: 12345, // your project id
folder: '/HN1234/abc/xyz/', // specific redirect URL
statusTestCase: TestCaseStatus.draft, /// when creating testcase set default status of its (default: draft)
createCycle: true, /// auto create test cycle (default: true)
final JiraTekoFlutter jiraTekoFlutter = JiraTekoFlutter(
issues: issues,
By running
dart run test/jira.dart
It run all test case with issue in issue list declared in file .env
Inside file *_test.dart
/// title test
/// Objective:
/// Precondition:
/// ConfluenceLinks:
/// Folder:
/// WebLinks:
/// TestScript:
void main() {
group('Group name : ', () {
test("test 1", () async {});
test('test 2', () async {});
test('test 3', () async {});
Results will export to file export_result_all_test.json
in folder test
"name": "Group name : test 1",
"status": "Pass",
"id": 1029703
"name": "Group name : test 2",
"status": "Pass",
"id": 1029703
"name": "Group name : test 3",
"status": "Pass",
"id": 1029703
From file: export_result_all_test.json
, You can see all test case run with jira issue key you provided.
And all test case push to jira teko with:
- Folder test case
- Test case
- Folder cycles
- Test case in cycles
- Result test case