It pulls data from Firebase Realtime Database.
Data must be pulled with a password provided by JeaFire.
If you try to pull a different data, an error may occur.
Encrypts the list with a key and converts it to String format. You can store it as a String.
The list has been converted to a String format. Use this to decode: decode.
Retrieves the reference from the Firebase Realtime Database.
If 'fevalue' is true, it decodes the incoming data and returns
the data in list type. If not, it returns the data directly.
It finds the user in the 'users' reference from the
Firebase Realtime Database and returns its information
as a list. In order for this function to work successfully,
the user must be registered with register.
Sign in with Firebase Auth. When the login is successful,
the first item of the returned list is 1. If it fails, it returns 0.
In case of success, the second item will be user.user. On failure,
the second item of the list returns an error message.
You can use this function for a quick recording.
It registers using "FirebaseAuth.instance.createUserWithEmailAndPassword()"
and sends the userDatas list to the users reference of the Realtime Database
using the "user.user!.uid" tag.