
Many features come together with the JeaFriday package!

What can it do?

  • πŸ“Œ It can convert color formats!

  • πŸ“Œ Firebase can speed up transactions!

  • πŸ“Œ It can give a quick random value!

  • πŸ“Œ Widgets suitable for your projects!

All Packages!

  • JeaFire
  • JeaRandom
  • JeaColor
  • JeaWidget
  • JeaFriday


Screen navigator, context control, getRequest operations and more!


It has controls for Firebase Realtime Database and Firebase Auth and is developed for quick access.


It can convert a value given in hex code to a number or an RGB structure.


It can return random values ​​for String and Integer types, depending on the given length.


Use this if you want to add new widgets to your app with many ready made schemes!

  • JeaFriday: to (Navigator), back (Navigator), go (Navigator), allCloseAndGo (Navigator), getRequestContent, getRequestHeaders, getRequestExtra.

JeaFire: storeValue, getOnce, encode, decode, decodeAndTagAddEndElement, register, login, logout, getUID, isSignedIn, getProfile.

JeaColor: hextoRgb, hextoNum.

JeaRandom: string, integer.

JeaWidget: JeaButton, JeaIconTitleText, JeaLoading, JeaTextField, JeaText.