echo method

String echo([
  1. String format = 'l، d F Y ساعت H:i:s'

Turns JDate to String base on format.


  • a | Before noon and afternoon. values: ق.ظ - ب.ظ
  • b | Numeric representation of a season, without leading zeros. values: 0-3
  • d | Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros. values: 01-31
  • f | Season name. values: بهار - تابستان - پاییز - زمستان
  • g | 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros. values: 0-12
  • h | 12-hour format of an hour with leading zeros. values: 00-12
  • i | Minutes with leading zeros. values: 00-59
  • j | Day of the month without leading zeros. values: 1-31
  • l | A full textual representation of the day of the week. values: شنبه-جمعه
  • m | Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros. values: 01-12
  • n | Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros. values: 1-12
  • s | Seconds, with leading zeros. values: 00-59
  • t | Number of days in the given month. values: 0-31
  • u | Millisecond. values: 000000
  • v | Short year display in letters. example: نود و نه
  • w | Numeric representation of the day of the week. values: 0-6
  • y | A two or three digit representation of a year. example: 97
  • A | Before noon and afternoon. values: بعد از ظهر - قبل از ظهر
  • D | Persian ordinal suffix for the day of the month, 2 characters. values: شن‍ - جم
  • F | A full textual representation of a month. values: فروردین - اسفند
  • G | 24-hour format of an hour without leading zeros. values: 0-24
  • H | 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros. values: 00-24
  • J | Day of the month. values: یک - سی و یک
  • L | Whether it’s a leap year. values: 0-1
  • M | A short textual representation of a month, two letters. values: فر-اس
  • O | Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) in hours. values: -1200 - +1400
  • V | Full year display in letters. example: یک هزار و سیصد و نود و هشت
  • Y | A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits. values: 1377


String echo([String format = 'l، d F Y ساعت H:i:s']) {
  //todo: Change formatting names to smt more standard
  final leapYear = isLeapYear;
  final jw = _weekday;
  final jy = shortYear;
  final jtz = _timeZoneName;

  return format
      .replaceAll('a', (_hour < 12) ? 'ق.ظ' : 'ب.ظ')
      .replaceAll('b', ((_month) / 3.1).floor().toString())
      .replaceAll('d', _twoDigits(_day))
        jalaliSeasons[((_month) / 3.1).floor()]['long']!,
        _hour <= 12 ? _hour.toString() : (_hour - 12).toString(),
        _hour <= 12 ? _twoDigits(_hour) : _twoDigits(_hour - 12),
      .replaceAll('i', _twoDigits(_minute))
      .replaceAll('j', _day.toString())
      .replaceAll('l', jalaliDays[jw]['long']!)
      .replaceAll('m', _twoDigits(_month))
      .replaceAll('n', (_month + 1).toString())
      .replaceAll('s', _twoDigits(_second))
        (_month) != 12
            ? (31 - ((_month) / 6.5).floor()).toString()
            : (leapYear ? 1 : 0 + 29).toString(),
      .replaceAll('u', _millisecond.toString())
      .replaceAll('v', jy.toPersianWords())
      .replaceAll('w', jw.toString())
      .replaceAll('y', jy.toString())
      .replaceAll('A', (_hour < 12) ? 'قبل از ظهر' : 'بعد از ظهر')
      .replaceAll('D', jalaliDays[jw]['short']!)
      .replaceAll('F', jalaliMonths[_month - 1]['long']!)
      .replaceAll('G', _hour.toString())
      .replaceAll('H', _twoDigits(_hour))
      .replaceAll('J', _day.toPersianWords())
      .replaceAll('L', leapYear.toString())
      .replaceAll('M', jalaliMonths[_month - 1]['short']!)
      .replaceAll('O', jtz)
      .replaceAll('V', _year.toPersianWords())
      .replaceAll('Y', _year.toString());