attachRootComponent method

Future<void> attachRootComponent(
  1. Component app

Sets app as the new root of the component tree and performs an initial build


Future<void> attachRootComponent(Component app) async {
  var buildOwner = _rootElement?._owner ?? createRootBuildOwner();
  await buildOwner.lockState(() async {
    assert(() {
      buildOwner._debugBuilding = true;
      return true;
    buildOwner._isFirstBuild = true;

    var element = _Root(child: app).createElement();
    element._binding = this;
    element._owner = buildOwner;
    element._renderObject = createRootRenderObject();

    await buildOwner.performInitialBuild(element);

    _rootElement = element;

    buildOwner._isFirstBuild = false;
    assert(() {
      buildOwner._debugBuilding = false;
      return true;
