events<V1, V2> function

EventCallbacks events<V1, V2>({
  1. VoidCallback? onClick,
  2. ValueChanged<V1>? onInput,
  3. ValueChanged<V2>? onChange,

Helper function to provide typed event handlers to the events property of html components.


EventCallbacks events<V1, V2>({
  /// Listens to the 'click' event.
  VoidCallback? onClick,

  /// Listens to the 'input' event. When providing a generic type for [value], it must be according to the target element:
  /// - `bool?` for checkbox or radio input elements
  /// - `num?` for number input elements
  /// - `DateTime` for date input elements
  /// - `List<File>?` for file input elements
  /// - `List<String>` for select elements
  /// - `String` for text input and textarea elements
  /// - `Null` for all other elements
  ValueChanged<V1>? onInput,

  /// Listens to the 'change' event. When providing a generic type for [value], it must be according to the target element:
  /// - `bool?` for checkbox or radio input elements
  /// - `num?` for number input elements
  /// - `DateTime` for date input elements
  /// - `List<File>?` for file input elements
  /// - `List<String>` for select elements
  /// - `String` for text input and textarea elements
  /// - `Null` for all other elements
  ValueChanged<V2>? onChange,
}) =>
      if (onClick != null) 'click': (_) => onClick(),
      if (onInput != null) 'input': _callWithValue('onInput', onInput),
      if (onChange != null) 'change': _callWithValue('onChange', onChange),