WidgetExtensions extension



align → AlignJar
no setter
wSliverBox SliverToBoxAdapter
Allows you to insert widgets inside a CustomScrollView
no setter


circleBox() ClipRRect
curvedBox([double radius = 8]) ClipRRect
expandBox() SizedBox
fittedBox([double? dimension]) SizedBox
opacity(double opacity, {Key? key, bool alwaysIncludeSemantics = false, Widget? child}) Opacity
Creates a widget that makes its child partially transparent.
paddingAll(double padding) Padding
paddingHorizontal([double value = 0.0]) Padding
paddingOnly({double left = 0.0, double top = 0.0, double right = 0.0, double bottom = 0.0}) Padding
paddingVertical([double value = 0.0]) Padding
squareBox([double? dimension]) SizedBox