StringExtensions extension



format FilesFormat
no setter
isBlank bool
no setter
isBool bool
Checks if string is boolean.
no setter
isPalindrom bool
Checks if string is Palindrom.
no setter
onlyfirstUppercase String
Uppercase first letter inside string and let the others lowercase Example: your name => Your name
no setter
reCase ReCase
no setter
regPattern RegPattern
no setter
removeAllSpace String
Remove all whitespace inside string Example: your name => yourname
no setter
trimAll String
String sample ='what is \n your name'; print(sample); \\ whatisyourname
no setter


createPath([Iterable? segments]) String
numericOnly({bool firstWordOnly = false}) String
Extract numeric value of string Example: OTP 12312 27/04/2020 => 1231227042020ß If firstword only is true, then the example return is "12312" (first found numeric word)
regMatch(RegPattern regPattern) bool