createAnswer method

Future<RTCSessionDescription> createAnswer()

This method is used to create webrtc answer, sets local description on internal PeerConnection object It supports both style of answer creation that is plan-b and unified.


Future<RTCSessionDescription> createAnswer() async {
  try {
    RTCSessionDescription answer = await webRTCHandle!.peerConnection!.createAnswer();
    await webRTCHandle!.peerConnection!.setLocalDescription(answer);
    return answer;
  } catch (e) {
    //    handling kstable exception most ugly way but currently there's no other workaround, it just works
    RTCSessionDescription answer = await webRTCHandle!.peerConnection!.createAnswer();
    await webRTCHandle!.peerConnection!.setLocalDescription(answer);
    return answer;