Janus provide an easy API to persist models in the local storage with encryption.
CAPTION: Not working in Flutter Web
Janus is a quick serializer for local storage of data models. Perfect for storing your app preferences or other data of interest. By default, the storage is made with encryption.
Getting started
Using this package is pretty straightforward. The following examples will store some preferences in memory:
class Preferences extends Janus {
const Preferences(
{this.token = '',
this.lightTheme = true,
this.fontSize = 15.0,
this.firstLoading = true,
this.shoppingCartProducts = const []})
: super(cypher: true);
final String token;
final bool lightTheme;
final double fontSize;
final bool firstLoading;
final List<String> shoppingCartProducts = [];
Map<String,dynamic> toMap() => {
'token': token,
'lightTeme': lightTheme,
'fontSize': fontSize,
'firstLoading': firstLoading,
'shoopingCartProducts': shoppingCartProducts
factory Preferences.fromMap(Map<String,dynamic> map)
=> Preferences(
token: map['token'],
lightTheme: map['lightTheme'],
fontSize: map['fontSize'],
firstLoading: map['firstLoading'],
shoppingCartProducts: map['shoppingCartProducts']
void main()async{
final preferences = Preferences();
final data = {
'token': 'TOKEN',
'lightTeme': false,
'fontSize': 22.2,
'firstLoading': false,
'shoopingCartProducts': ['Uuid1','Uuid2','Uuid3']
await preferences.save(data);
final loadedPreferences = Preferences.fromMap(await preferences.load());
Personally, it's preferable not to extend directly Janus to your data model. Instead of that, try to split you data layer in three parts:
- models
- apis
- repositories
The apis folder will bear the classes that will provide access to your webservices or local storage. Here will may be the classes that can extends Janus.
class User {
final String id;
final String name;
final String email;
required this.id,
required this.name,
required this.email,
Map<String, dynamic> toMap() {
return <String, dynamic>{
'id': id,
'name': name,
'email': email,
factory User.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) {
return User(
id: map['id'] ?? '',
name: map['name'] ?? '',
email: map['email'] ?? '',
class UserStorage extends Janus{
UserStorage() : super(cypher: true);
class UserRepo {
final api = UserStorage();
Future<void> save(User user)async{
await api.save(user.toMap());
Future<User> load() async{
return User.fromMap(await api.load());
//Now you can use the repository to persist the user in you local memory or to load it from local.
final userRepository = UserRepo();
final User user = User(id: 'uuid', name:'name',email: 'myemail@address.com');
await userRepository.save(user);
final loadedUser = await userRepository.load();