wsStream<T> function

RouteHandler wsStream<T>(
  1. WsOnConnect onConnect

Data read from stream is sent to the websocket.

onConnect is called when a websocket connection is established.


RouteHandler wsStream<T>(WsOnConnect /* < Stream<T> | Response > */ onConnect) {
  return (Context ctx) async {
    final WebSocket ws = await ctx.req.upgradeToWebSocket;
    ctx.response = SkipResponse();
    Stream<T> stream;
    final resp = await onConnect(ctx, ws);
    if (resp is Response) {
      ctx.response = resp;
    } else if (resp is Stream<T>) {
      stream = resp;
    } else {
      throw UnsupportedError("Unsupported type!");

    // TODO ws.asBroadcastStream().listen((_) => null);

    if (T == String) {
      stream.listen((T t) {
      }, onDone: () async {
        await ws.close();
      }, onError: (_) async {
        await ws.close();
      }, cancelOnError: true);
    } else if (T == Iterable) {
      stream.listen((T t) {
      }, onDone: () async {
        await ws.close();
      }, onError: (_) async {
        await ws.close();
      }, cancelOnError: true);
    } else {
      stream.listen((T t) {
        if (t != null) ws.add(t.toString());
      }, onDone: () async {
        await ws.close();
      }, onError: (_) async {
        await ws.close();
      }, cancelOnError: true);