Neumorphism class




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

animationDuration Duration
getter/setter pair
borderRadius double
getter/setter pair

Static Methods

accentButton({Widget? child, Size size = const Size(elementWidthTwo, elementHeightTwo), ShapeBorder? shape, bool toggle = false, EdgeInsets padding = paddingStepOne, EdgeInsets margin = paddingStepOne, VoidCallback? onTap, AccentButtonCallback? accentChanged}) Widget
accentList({required List<String> items, EdgeInsets padding = paddingStepOne, ValueChanged<String>? onItemSelected, String? selectedItem, EdgeInsets margin = paddingStepOne}) Widget
actionContainer({Widget? child, Size size = const Size(double.infinity, 48), ShapeBorder? shape, bool main = false, bool toggle = false, double padding = 0, double margin = 0, VoidCallback? onTap, bool renderAccent = false, Alignment? accentAligment, double accentIntensity = 0}) Widget
backButton({GestureTapCallback? onTap}) Widget
checkBox({EdgeInsets padding = paddingStepOne, EdgeInsets margin = paddingStepOne, ValueChanged<bool>? onChanged}) Widget
container({Widget? child, double width = double.infinity, double height = double.infinity, bool dropShadow = true, bool dropInnerShadow = false, EdgeInsets padding = paddingStepOne, EdgeInsets margin = paddingStepOne, bool renderAccent = false, Alignment? accentAligment, double accentIntensity = 0}) Widget
counter({EdgeInsets padding = paddingStepOne, EdgeInsets margin = paddingStepOne, int initialValue = 0, int minValue = 1, ValueChanged<int>? onChanged}) Widget
emailFormField({String? label, TextEditingController? controller, FormFieldValidator<String>? validator, AutovalidateMode validateMode = AutovalidateMode.disabled, String hint = 'Enter your email', Icon? icon, bool obscureText = false, TextInputType inputType = TextInputType.text, EdgeInsets padding = paddingStepOne, EdgeInsets margin = paddingStepOne}) Widget
extendedActionContainer({Widget? child, Size size = const Size(double.infinity, 48), ShapeBorder? shape, bool main = false, bool toggle = false, EdgeInsets padding = const EdgeInsets.all(0), EdgeInsets margin = const EdgeInsets.all(0), VoidCallback? onTap, bool renderAccent = false, Alignment? accentAligment, double accentIntensity = 0}) Widget
frostedGlassContainer({Widget? child, double width = double.infinity, double height = double.infinity, bool dropShadow = true, bool dropInnerShadow = false, EdgeInsets padding = paddingStepOne, EdgeInsets margin = paddingStepOne, bool renderAccent = false, Alignment? accentAligment, double accentIntensity = 0}) Widget
gradientText(String text) Widget
icon(IconData iconData, {double size = 24, Color? color}) Icon
image(String url, {EdgeInsets padding = paddingStepOne, EdgeInsets margin = paddingStepOne, required double height, required double width}) Widget
indicatorButton({required Icon icon, double size = 96, ShapeBorder? shape, EdgeInsets padding = paddingStepOne, EdgeInsets margin = paddingStepOne, Color? accentColor, ValueChanged<bool>? onChanged, Alignment? accentAligment, double accentIntensity = 0}) Widget
inputDecoration({String? label, String? hint, Widget? icon, bool filled = true}) InputDecoration
passwordFormField({String? label, String? hint, Icon? icon, EdgeInsets padding = paddingStepOne, EdgeInsets margin = paddingStepOne}) Widget
seriesChart(ValueNotifier<LabelSeriesModel> values, {EdgeInsets padding = paddingStepOne, EdgeInsets margin = paddingStepOne}) ChartSeries
seriesTypesChart({ValueChanged<TimePeriodType>? onItemSelected, required Color color}) SeriesTypesChart
softRoundButton({Icon? icon, String? text, Size size = const Size(96, 96), ShapeBorder? shape, bool main = false, bool toggle = false, EdgeInsets padding = paddingStepOne, EdgeInsets margin = paddingStepOne, VoidCallback? onTap, bool renderAccent = false, Alignment? accentAligment, double elevationMultiplier = 1, double accentIntensity = 0}) Widget
text(String text, {double size = defaultTextSize, Color? color, TextAlign textAlign = TextAlign.left, FontWeight fontWeight = FontWeight.normal}) Widget
textFormField({String? label, TextEditingController? controller, FormFieldValidator<String>? validator, AutovalidateMode validateMode = AutovalidateMode.disabled, String? hint, Icon? icon, bool obscureText = false, TextInputType inputType = TextInputType.text, EdgeInsets padding = paddingStepOne, EdgeInsets margin = paddingStepOne}) Widget
wrappingText(String text, {double size = defaultTextSize, Color? color, TextAlign textAlign = TextAlign.left, FontWeight fontWeight = FontWeight.normal}) Widget