
GitHub: SandroMaglione Twitter: SandroMaglione

Efficient, immutable and stack safe implementation of a Trie data structure in dart.

Trie is ideal for autocomplete, text search, spell checking, and generally when working with string and prefixes.

💻 Installation

# pubspec.yaml
  itrie: ^0.0.1

💡 How to use

The package export a single ITrie class.


An ITrie can be created from any Iterable or using the empty constructor:

/// Empty [ITrie] with [int] values
final empty = ITrie<int>.empty();
final copy = empty.insert("key", 10);

/// From [Iterable] containing a record of `(String, T)`
final fromIterable = ITrie.fromIterable([("key", 10)]);


ITrie extends Iterable.

This means that you have access to all the methods available in the Iterable API:

Mutations (Immutable)

Methods to add/remove/modify key/value inside ITrie:

final itrie = ITrie<int>.empty();

final insert = itrie.insert("key", 10);
final remove = itrie.remove("key");
final modify = itrie.modify("key", (value) => value + 1);
final insertMany = itrie.insertMany([("key2", 20)]);
final removeMany = itrie.removeMany(["key"]);

🧱 ITrie is immutable

These methods return a new copy of the original ITrie without modifying the original ITrie


Methods to extract key/value based on key and prefix:

final itrie = ITrie<int>.empty();

final getV = itrie.get("key");
final longestPrefixOf = itrie.longestPrefixOf("keys");
final withPrefix = itrie.withPrefix("ke");
final keysWithPrefix = itrie.keysWithPrefix("ke");
final valuesWithPrefix = itrie.valuesWithPrefix("ke");
final keys = itrie.keys;
final values = itrie.values;
final length = itrie.length;
final has = itrie.has("key");

🛠️ Properties


The main difference between other trie implementations is that ITrie is immutable.

Every mutation (e.g. insert, delete, modify) returns a new instance of ITrie instead of modifying the original ITrie in-place.

final itrie = ITrie<int>.empty();
final newITrie = itrie.insert("key", 10); /// 👈 `insert` returns a new [ITrie]

expect(itrie.length, 0); /// 👈 Original `itrie` is not modified
expect(newITrie.length, 1);

✅ Immutability in ITrie uses a technique called Path copying: this makes ITrie efficient since it does not require to copy the full data structure with every mutation

Stack safe

ITrie does not use recursion. No matter how many operations or elements it contains, ITrie will never cause stack overflow issues.

(Space) Efficient

ITrie is implemented internally as a Ternary Search Trie. This data structure allows for any alphabet size (any String) and it is also more space efficient compared to other trie implementations.

📃 Versioning

  • v0.0.1 - 22 January 2024

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👀 License

MIT License, see the file for details.

