Item Selector for Flutter

pub license: MIT build codecov

A generic Flutter item selector that works with ListView, GridView, Row, Column, or basically any parent widget that can have indexed child widgets. It supports single-selection by tap, and multi-selection by long-press and drag with auto-scrolling.


ListView GridView
ListView GridView
Column Custom
Column Custom


To use this package, add item_selector as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

  child: ListView(
    children: List.generate(10, (int index) {
      return ItemSelectionBuilder(
        index: index,
        builder: (BuildContext context, int index, bool selected) {
          return Text('$index: $selected');


Item Selector is based on Multi Select GridView in Flutter - by Simon Lightfoot.


A generic item selector that works in conjunction with ListView, GridView, Row, Column, or basically any parent widget that can have indexed child widgets.