singleCompletePort<R, P> function

SendPort singleCompletePort<R, P>(
  1. Completer<R> completer, {
  2. FutureOr<R> callback(
    1. P message
  3. Duration? timeout,
  4. FutureOr<R> onTimeout()?,

Create a SendPort that accepts only one message.

When the first message is received, the callback function is called with the message as argument, and the completer is completed with the result of that call. All further messages are ignored.

If callback is omitted, it defaults to an identity function. The callback call may return a future, and the completer will wait for that future to complete. If callback is omitted, the message on the port must be an instance of R.

If timeout is supplied, it is used as a limit on how long it can take before the message is received. If a message isn't received in time, the onTimeout is called, and completer is completed with the result of that call instead. The callback function will not be interrupted by the time-out, as long as the initial message is received in time. If onTimeout is omitted, it defaults to completing the completer with a TimeoutException.

The completer may be a synchronous completer. It is only completed in response to another event, either a port message or a timer.

Returns the SendPort expecting the single message.


SendPort singleCompletePort<R, P>(
  Completer<R> completer, {
  FutureOr<R> Function(P message)? callback,
  Duration? timeout,
  FutureOr<R> Function()? onTimeout,
}) {
  if (callback == null && timeout == null) {
    return singleCallbackPortWithoutTimeout<Object>((response) {
      _castComplete<R>(completer, response);
  var responsePort = RawReceivePort();
  Timer? timer;
  if (callback == null) {
    responsePort.handler = (response) {
      _castComplete<R>(completer, response);
  } else {
    var zone = Zone.current;
    var action = zone.registerUnaryCallback((response) {
      try {
        // Also catch it if callback throws.
        completer.complete(callback(response as P));
      } catch (error, stack) {
        completer.completeError(error, stack);
    responsePort.handler = (response) {
      zone.runUnary(action, response as P);
  if (timeout != null) {
    timer = Timer(timeout, () {
      if (onTimeout != null) {
        /// workaround for incomplete generic parameters promotion.
        /// example is available in 'TimeoutFirst with invalid null' test
        try {
        } catch (e, st) {
          completer.completeError(e, st);
      } else {
            .completeError(TimeoutException('Future not completed', timeout));
  return responsePort.sendPort;