Isolated Logic


stable: dart pub add isolated_logic


  • Easy: Just wrap your existing controllers into wrapper and it's ready to use
  • Solution-agnostic: Supports any state management solution that can emit states as Stream<State>
  • Interopability: Supports StreamBuilders and ValueListenableBuilder's
  • Low overhead: There's only ~5% loss on speed due de/serialization between isolates
  • Single-for-all Abstraction: Use a multiple business logic approaches under a single IsolatedController abstraction


Example (wrapper for BLoC):

class PrimesBlocIsolated extends IsolatedController<PrimesBLoC, AppDependencies, PrimesEvent, int> {
  /// Creation of the target controller can be declared as argument
  /// or passed like a 'super' value;
  PrimesBlocIsolated({required super.createController});

  /// [controllerLifecycle] describes lifecycle of the controller that was instantiated at
  /// separated Isolate
  ControllerLifecycleHandler<PrimesBLoC> get controllerLifecycle => ControllerLifecycleHandler(
        stateStream: (controller) =>,
        dispose: (controller) => controller.close(),

  /// This events will be handled in separated isolate
  /// All emited states by these events will be routed into main isolate
  /// via bus
  void increment() => isolateHandle((controller) => controller.add(const PrimesEvent.increment()));
  void decrement() => isolateHandle((controller) => controller.add(const PrimesEvent.decrement()));

2023, Archie Kitsushimo

