create<Q, R> static method

Future<IsolateFlutter?> create<Q, R>(
  1. ComputeCallback<Q, R> callback,
  2. Q message, {
  3. String? debugLabel,

Create an isolate. The isolate will start up in a paused state. To start and get the return value, call isolateFlutter.start().

Return the created isolate.

Run callback on that isolate, passing it message, and (eventually) return the value returned by callback.

The callback argument must be a top-level function, not a closure or an instance or static method of a class.

Q is the type of the message that kicks off the computation.

R is the type of the value returned.

The debugLabel argument can be specified to provide a name to add to the Timeline. This is useful when in debuggers and logging.


static Future<IsolateFlutter?> create<Q, R>(
    ComputeCallback<Q, R> callback, Q message,
    {String? debugLabel}) async {
  final _isolateFlutter = IsolateFlutter._();

  if (_isolateFlutter._status != null) {
    // _isolateFlutter has been created
    return null;

  final _debugLabel =
      debugLabel ?? 'IsolateFlutter_${_isolateFlutter.hashCode}';

  // Create Completer
  _isolateFlutter._completer = Completer<dynamic>();

  // Create ReceivePort
  _isolateFlutter._port = RawReceivePort((dynamic msg) {
  }, _debugLabel);

  // Swap an isolate
  try {
    final _sendPort = _isolateFlutter._port.sendPort;
    _isolateFlutter._isolate = await Isolate.spawn(
        IsolateFlutterConfiguration<Q, FutureOr<R>>(
            callback, message, _sendPort, _debugLabel),
        errorsAreFatal: true,
        onError: _sendPort,
        onExit: _sendPort,
        debugName: _debugLabel,
        paused: true);
  } catch (e) {
    throw RemoteError('IsolateFlutter cann`t be created.', '');

  _isolateFlutter._status = IsolateFlutterStatus.Paused;

  return _isolateFlutter;