parse static method

IsoDuration parse(
  1. String input

Parses the ISO 8601 - Duration. If the operation was not successful then it throws FormatException.

Usage example:

IsoDuration.parse('P5Y'); // IsoDuration{years: 5, months: 0, weeks: 0, days: 0, hours: 0, minutes: 0, seconds: 0};
IsoDuration.parse('P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S'); // IsoDuration{years: 3, months: 6, weeks: 0, days: 4, hours: 12, minutes: 30, seconds: 5};

can parse also decimal (accepts both comma and dots):
IsoDuration.parse('PT8M40.215S'); // IsoDuration{years: 0, months: 0, weeks: 0, days: 0, hours: 0, minutes: 8, seconds: 40.215};

See also:


static IsoDuration parse(String input) {
  final parsed = tryParse(input);
  if (parsed != null) {
    return parsed;
  throw FormatException('Could not parse the ISO Duration: $input');