isoCountryForCodeForLocale static method

Future<Country> isoCountryForCodeForLocale(
  1. dynamic countryCode, {
  2. dynamic localeIdentifier = '',

Function to get a single country data for the country code and locale identifier passed in If no valid country found, then you will get an empty hash map Optional localeIdentifier, if the identifier is not provided, then current locale is used


static Future<Country> isoCountryForCodeForLocale(countryCode,
    {localeIdentifier = ''}) async {
  final countryMap = await _channel.invokeMethod(
      {'countryCode': countryCode, 'locale_identifier': localeIdentifier});
  // Parse
  final Country country = Country(
      name: countryMap['name'], countryCode: countryMap['countryCode']);
  return country;