A flutter package to parse ISO 8601 duration.
This package helps to parse ISO 8601 duration strings in either PnW or PnYnMnDTnHnMnS formats.
Getting started
Please make sure the string is in ISO 8601 format. This plug in can parse strings in PnW or PnYnMnDTnHnMnS formats.
Explanation on each of the indicator is given below.
- P is the duration designator (for period) placed at the start of the duration representation.
- Y is the year designator that follows the value for the number of calendar years.
- M is the month designator that follows the value for the number of calendar months.
- W is the week designator that follows the value for the number of weeks.
- D is the day designator that follows the value for the number of calendar days.
- T is the time designator that precedes the time components of the representation.
- H is the hour designator that follows the value for the number of hours.
- M is the minute designator that follows the value for the number of minutes.
- S is the second designator that follows the value for the number of seconds.
String durationToConvert='PT9H25M';
final ISODurationConverter converter= ISODurationConverter();
final ISODuration duration= conveter.parseString(isoDurationString: durationToConvert);