Merchant constructor

  1. required String condition,
  2. required String merchant,
  3. @JsonKey(name: 'merchant_logo_offset') required Map merchantLogoOffset,
  4. required String shipping,
  5. required String price,
  6. required String total,
  7. required String link,


factory Merchant({
  /// Not documented in the official API
  required String condition,

  /// Name of the seller of the book
  required String merchant,

  /// URL of the merchant logo
  @JsonKey(name: 'merchant_logo') required String merchantLogo,

  /// Not documented in the official API
  @JsonKey(name: 'merchant_logo_offset') required Map merchantLogoOffset,

  /// Shipping cost
  required String shipping,

  /// Price of the book
  required String price,

  /// Not documented in the official API
  required String total,

  /// Link to the purchase url
  required String link,
}) = _Merchant;