initializeIsarCore static method

Future<void> initializeIsarCore({
  1. Map<IsarAbi, String> libraries = const {},
  2. bool download = false,

Initialize Isar Core manually. You need to provide Isar Core libraries for every platform your app will run on.

If download is true, Isar will attempt to download the correct library and place it in the specified path or the script directory.

Be careful if multiple unit tests try to download the library at the same time. Always use flutter test -j 1 when you rely on auto downloading to ensure that only one test is running at a time.

Only use this method for non-Flutter code or unit tests.


static Future<void> initializeIsarCore({
  Map<IsarAbi, String> libraries = const {},
  bool download = false,
}) async {
  await initializeCoreBinary(
    libraries: libraries,
    download: download,