buildQuery<R> abstract method

Query<R> buildQuery<R>({
  1. List<WhereClause> whereClauses = const [],
  2. bool whereDistinct = false,
  3. Sort whereSort = Sort.asc,
  4. FilterGroup? filter,
  5. List<SortProperty> sortBy = const [],
  6. List<DistinctProperty> distinctBy = const [],
  7. int? offset,
  8. int? limit,
  9. String? property,

Build a query dynamically. Can be used to build a custom query language.


Query<R> buildQuery<R>({
  List<WhereClause> whereClauses = const [],
  bool whereDistinct = false,
  Sort whereSort = Sort.asc,
  FilterGroup? filter,
  List<SortProperty> sortBy = const [],
  List<DistinctProperty> distinctBy = const [],
  int? offset,
  int? limit,
  String? property,