paragraphs method

String paragraphs([
  1. int count = 3

Read count paragraphs from the specified file

If startWithLorem is set to true, the first words will be replaced

The paragraphs are delimited using a random of the specified sentenceDelimiters


String paragraphs([int count = 3]) {
  final List<String> result = [];
  String curParagraph = "";
  String lastLine = "";

  while (result.length < count) {
    String line = _lines.elementAt(Random().nextInt(_lines.length)).trim();

    // if we've hit the end of a paragraph
    if (lastLine.length > 1 && line.isEmpty /*line == "\n"*/) {
      curParagraph = "";
    } else if (line.length > 1) {
      // if we're still building the current paragraph
      /// replace as many first words of the paragraph as possible with the defined lorem ones, but only if this is the first paragraph
      if (startWithLorem && result.isEmpty && curParagraph.isEmpty) {
        List<String> firstWords = line.split(' ');
          line.length < _lorem.length ? line.length : _lorem.length,
        line = firstWords.join(" ");
      curParagraph += line;

    lastLine = line;

  return result.join("\n\n");